Suggestions for Using the Material Posted on This Site
There is a large amount of information posted on this site that we have tried to present in ways that will be most useful to you whether you want a quick overview or wish to delve into a topic in more depth.
- An overview of the important concepts and benefits of carbon sequestration in natural systems is posted here.
- A brief description of what we consider the ten top benefits of the win/win approach to sequestering CO2 is here.
- A selection of scientific articles that show how fast carbon could be sequestered and the vast potential of this approach is here.
Win/Win CO2 Solutions Alliance has produced a number of useful Policy Analysis Briefs and other useful resources:
- What the Paris Climate Accord Really Says
- Turning Back the Famine Clock while Sequestering Carbon
- The 4/1000 Initiative: Soils for Food Security and Climate
- Measuring the Amount of Carbon Captured in Natural Systems
- Case Study of Regenerative Grazing Benefits in Africa by one of our advisory committee scientists
- Landmark Congressional carbon sequestration hearings at which we testified
We have selected over 10 hours of the best videos explaining various aspects of the win/win/win ecosolutions approach to sequestering atmospheric carbon. For most people, we think that these videos will probably be the most useful sources to explain the relevant research and the results of the on-the-ground demonstrations going on around the world. In many cases, the presenters are the same scientists whose research is also posted on this site but generally, they are making presentations to lay audiences with good charts and graphics so the material is easier to understand than the more technical scientific papers on which the presentations are based.
A brief introduction of each of the presenters is provided as well as a short summary of what is addressed in the video. We have also noted which videos present a good “quick overview” of the topic.
Journal Articles and Technical Analysis
We have posted a selection of the scientific journal articles and other technical analysis that report the research supporting the various advantages and benefits of adopting this win/win/win approach to dealing with excess CO2. They are more technical than the other material posted on this site and we provide our summaries of what we find are the important points as well as excerpts from the articles themselves.